Clarity in Who you are Selling to

This was exactly what I needed at this time in my life. I can honestly say that Money feels Luscious and pleasurable after this course! 🙏💛💰-2.png

Today we are talking about shutting down and figuring out and creating clarity around who it is that you serve. And this is a really a near and dear topic to my heart because I spent so many years just throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something would stick. I would just throw content across all the things wonder why I wasn’t getting engagement. Wondering why I’m not making the sales that I want to… wondering why the person that I have in mind isn't actually engaging or connecting with my content and converting into sales.

When I speak with my audience and my clients come to me, this is probably one of the most frustrating things that they deal with.

When you're in network marketing or you're coaching or you have an online business, this is incredibly frustrating. You're like, I just want to create time and financial freedom. I have the most amazing product, or I have the tools, I have all the things and I know that it'll serve them. I know that it'll help them. However, if you can't get them to relate to it and they cannot feel as if it is for them and they're not going to pull their credit card and you're going to always feel frustrated and you're going to always feel like you are spinning your wheels. 

When I niched down, I started to actually stand out as an individual and as an expert with ease, attracting the people that I wanted to serve, getting new eyes on my content and have people reaching out and saying, Oh my gosh, I totally connect with what you're saying. It's like they're in my freaking head. That is the whole point. We want these women, we want your ideal client to feel as if you're speaking right to them. But the problem is, if you do not have a niche, if you do not have a clear set of who it is that you serve, you don't have a clear idea of this, then you're just throwing spaghetti at the wall. 

If you are trying to serve everybody, you serve nobody.

I don't think I really understood this concept 100% back in the day when I was in university and I was in classes and I was taking my marketing and doing all the work. 

Every person has a an area of expertise. You have an area of something that you know really, really well. There is something that you know how to teach. There's something that you have experienced in your life that someone else needs and you don't have to be a hundred steps ahead of them.

I want you just to start thinking about the things that you've gone through, the area of business that you are in and what it is that you have walked through yourself because you have stories, you've had, things that you have overcome.

What are some of the struggles relating to your expertise of your business?

Listen to the full episode over on the Podcast

You don’t have to know it all

I want to make that really clear. You don't have to be the end all expert. You don't have to be the person who knows every single thing. Being an expert - to me, it doesn't mean that you have a certification on your wall. I mean, I dropped out of university after four years. I don't have any certifications here telling me that I'm ready, telling me that I'm good enough or that I can come on and talk about this topic. However, I have experience. I have done the things myself first.

I have done this and I can absolutely speak on this topic because I have walked in the shoes and the woman that I need to help are only a couple of steps behind me. Your competence and your clarity and who you are and how you serve creates the energy that attracts her in. You have a unique voice and a unique way of teaching and it's up to you to own it. That is what makes you an expert. What lights you up? What do you love? What brings you the most joy? What things come really easily to you that are maybe struggle for other people? What are people coming to you for advice about? What are they filling up your inbox with? What are the questions you're getting? You know, what, what are people, what would maybe even you, what, what is something that you were Googling, um, maybe a year ago? 


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