Release & Receive


Letting go.

This topic is so important because in order to receive wealth and abundance, sometimes we have to let things go. Sometimes we need to create space for the things that it is that we want in our life. Sometimes we have to make space for the clients that we want to receive for the customers you want to receive. For the type of relationships that we want to have for the money we want to see happen and show up in our bank account.

We can sometimes be so consumed with doing the wrong things or hustling really hard in a business that's no longer serving us or beating a dead horse. Maybe showing up really strong in certain areas or not honoring boundaries and doing a lot of things that are essentially out of alignment.

Loves, I’ve been there.

I had to let go of a lot of things that were no longer serving me. For me to reach that next level of my life and for me to receive that next level in my business, I had to let go of the things that weren't serving me. I had to let go of running myself ragged and charging next to nothing for my time and my energy and my knowledge and expertise. I had to let go of the network marketing company. 

I was blocking a ton of abundance. I was blocking being able to receive the life that I truly wanted. I was blocking the receiving the the income that I truly, truly wanted. I was blocking being able to receive the relationship that I truly wanted because I was out of alignment with where I was supposed to be and where I was supposed to go.

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We were not living a life that allowed us to experience abundance. Passion only goes so far. If you're, if you're getting depleted, if you're feeling burnt out and you're feeling overwhelmed and everything around you is kind of crumbling, that only gets you so far, right? Eventually it's not going to work anymore.

I had fear in leaving my network marketing company because I had built such a strong reputation around it. I had built a community, I had built people's trust and I had my identity in this space. I had found an identity in being a health and fitness coach. And for me to have to assess and accept that I was going to walk away from that was a really big thing that I had to journal on. And I had to heal and I had to work through and I had to cry it out and I had to accept it and I had to welcome it in.

The universe was trying to nudge me in the direction it was supposed to go and I was ignoring it and so it had to close all the doors for me, so then I could actually follow what my purpose was. But you're going to notice by the nudges in your soul, the questions you're asking, if you're starting to wonder, is there something more? Should I be doing something different? Sometimes that's there because it's supposed to be. Sometimes that's there because you really are supposed to be doing something different or that is the universe or that is a nudge in the right direction and if it lights you up when you think about it or maybe even scares you, makes you a little nervous, that's a good thing and that's probably a good indication in how or what that next step might look like for you. 

And a promise you that you're going to start to feel things fall into place when you make space and open up room for the things that you do want and let go of the things that you don't want. You have to make space for it. If there's no space in your schedule, if there's no space in your life, if the boundaries are out of alignment, if you're um, you know, serving anyone in everybody or you're, you're in a company that no longer feels in alignment, then you're not going to receive the things that you want to receive. And so you need to be able to release, you need to be able to let go. 


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