How would it feel to embody more ease, sustainability, and regulation in your life, career and being-ness?

You do not have to continue burning yourself out.

do not have to continue bypassing your humanity.

do not have to continue carrying all the weight and pressure yourself.

It’s time that you allow yourself to be deserving of goodness and receive a life that is bountiful, present and uninhibited.

Through coming back into your own wholeness.

Embracing the wisdom that lives within you.

Coming home to your truest essence and inner safety.

Cultivating your unique path to a life and vision that is regenerative, self-honouring and body-lead.

And allowing your humanness to be a catalyst for more vitality, levity and fulfillment.

Your answers and next steps cannot be found in any guru or 6-step system, they are activated and accessible by tuning into your own body and inner guidance.




⇢ experience joy, pleasure and success without burning out.

⇢ communicate your wants and needs to yourself and others unapologetically

⇢ express yourself through your words, creative work, and being-ness more fully.

⇢ feel safe to be present in your life and with tasks at hand rather than being hooked into the past or future anxieties.

⇢ not just have more, but increase your capacity to hold more without going into fight/flight/freeze/fawn mode.

⇢ disconnect your level of productivity to your overall worthiness.

⇢ release the identity of being hyper-independent and allow other people in your life to love and to support you

⇢ release all the “SHOULD’S” that have been taking up space and coming home to yourself, your desires, and your truest vision of what success and your business is.

⇢ cultivate presence in your work, in your self-nourishment, in your relationships and with your family without sacrificing the other.

⇢ consciously create your life vs live one you settle for.

⇢ prioritize sustainability, authenticity and creating safe practices for your clients and buyers to invest into so they feel good too.

⇢ process the societal-norms and inter-generational conditioning so you can take an approach to cultivating the life and career you were made for in a way that serves you best.




⇢ be seen, heard and held in a way that respects your pace and capacity

⇢ be mirrored and guided though establishing relationships that are secure and healed from co-dependency

⇢ break wounded enmeshments and restore healthy boundaries

⇢ heal your mother wound and come into right relationship with your divine inner feminine

⇢ embody a more sovereign way of holding yourself where you can belong to yourself while in belonging with others

⇢ heal your judgement, guilt and self-abuse cycle and learn how to live with deeper compassion, grace for all parts of you

⇢ learn how to curiously observe your behaviour rather than shame your very valid and real feelings

⇢ rebuild irrevocable trust in yourself, your body and inner guidance

⇢ unhook from being the saviour, the care-taker and people-pleaser role within your family system

⇢ feel resourceful, capable and able to show up for your own needs while also allowing yourself to be wildly supported by others

⇢ heal relationship dynamics burdened with expectation




If you desire THIS level of support and evolution within your own life, you 100% can have it but it does require us both to show up for each other and be in an equal exchange of energy.

It’s so important that you intentionally choose to commit to the reality you want to experience (with or without me) and be wiling to explore how GOOD it gets to be when you become the leader of your own life.

I have a client-led approach and I meet you where you are - respecting your individual experience, capacity and overall well-being above all.

And while this work does require you to be open to being held and witnessed in the full spectrum of your humanity, it can be a slow and stead process to ensure you feel safe to do so.


Meet Your Coach…

Autumn is a Trauma Specialist, Safe Space Facilitator and Sovereign Leadership Coach who uses somatic trauma healing, nervous system regulation, inner child healing and embodiment work to support leaders, visionaries and creatives to build a life anchored in self-belonging, emotional regulation, cultivate healthy relationships and ultimately — live their liberation now (not once they’ve earned it or fully healed).

Through tending to your deeply rooted patterns, self-protection tendencies and resolving your core wounds and ruptures that are leading you to repeat unsupportive patterns of self-judgement, pressure and dissociation, you will remember your wholeness and become their own source of validation so that the life and businesses you build is rooted in love, true inner peace and devotion to your personal truth.


Some of What You Can Expect To Experience:

* Nervous System & Emotional Regulation
* Somatic Trauma Healing
* Integration & Embodiment work
* Subconscious Mind Reprogramming
* Alchemizing Trauma Responses & Wounded Patterns
* Aligned and Body-Based Strategy
* Attachment Style Healing
* Inner Child Healing & Reparenting
* Coming back to the body, the soul & self
* Divine Feminine Leadership
* Conscious and Safe Sales
* Cultivating deep irrevocable self-trust

and much much more


Sovereign Leadership x Body-Based Business and Trauma Healing Coaching:




We will meet 3 x a month for 60 minutes via zoom where you can record the session and have life-time access to the replays. These are client-centred, client-lead and personalized to you and what you’re bringing into the room or what your desired result is — no two clients are the same. In here, you will receive high-level, intimate support and be held in a safe space to unravel, untether yourself and return home to your truest essence. I facilitate somatic trauma healing and embodiment work through our sessions to support you in thawing out frozen trauma that is stuck within the body, heal your fight/flight/freeze/fawn response and regulate your nervous system for the deepest level of transformation and liberation.

The immeasurable power of this room is that trauma is created within relationships and with that in mind, simultaneously, we restore the broken bond and ability to trust and be supported by other people, boundaries and yourself in a safe one. This is where the standard is set.

You have my in your back pocket (during office hours) to support you in-between sessions. This is a total catalyst for your results and where the majority of my clients transformations deepen and take place because we are able to tend to and attune to what is coming up in the small, daily moments within your life or business which allows for the work to integrate on a much deeper level.

Receive life-time access to autumn’s signature program Emotional Alchemy via Podia with a portal full of trainings and resources that will support you deeply in embodying of the work we will journey through together and in creating the reality you desire. Note: You also receive access to any LIVE cohorts, masterclasses or workshops autumn facilitates for any of her programs during the time you work together (if you so desire).

Learn about Emotional Alchemy Here

The Portal of Mastery is a membership subscription experience and HOME to connect you with access to high-level mentorship, resources and tools that meet you where you are at & with exactly what you need most to support you in building a body based business and allow you to explore your deeper truths, power and expression.

Learn about The Portal of Mastery Membership Community Here

The Package + Exchange

includes: 18 60-minute sessions (3 x month), unlimited voxer, access to Emotional Alchemy + access the POM mentorship membership

Payment Plan: $7,200 usd
Pay In Full: $6K usd

all packages can be paid in full, monthly, bi-weekly or weekly
all payment plans honour the length of the package - extended PP are not available

(for smaller payments, deposits are welcomed)
there is a contractual agreement that must be signed at the time of payment


I share the exchange transparently here so when you choose to move forward with an application you have all the information you need already.

I want you to feel your YES in your body. I want it to be SACRED.

By applying and choosing to get onto a connection call, this is an opportunity to explore saying YES to each other if the energy is in resonance and we both feel safe and ready to explore the deeper depths together, not a space where you will be convinced or shown hidden fee’s.

Your regulation and safety starting this journey is a priority here.

This will be for you if…

⇢ you are coachable and open to being seen, held and supported…

⇢ you are ready to claim all that you desire and show up fully for this process…

⇢ you desire to “do the work” and implement the coaching, resources and tools provided to support you in receive more of what you are desiring…

⇢ you are a visionary, leader or creative wanting to build a sustainable and authentic business that is in full alignment with you, your desires and your values…

⇢ you want your career and company to be regenerative and sustainable to serve you as it serves humanity

⇢ you want to create, lead and express yourself from your integrated wholeness rather than from unresolved trauma

⇢ you desire to feel seen and convicted in your presence, voice and inner knowing

⇢ you want to be embodied, integrated and have a sovereign way of holding yourself

⇢ you deeply crave having irrevocable self-trust & being your own source of validation and permission (bc you are exhausted of outsourcing it)

⇢ you want to have a safe space to be heard, held and witnessed

⇢ you desire a mentor with a compassionate, safe and honest approach who will always guide you back to your own body’s inner wisdom and hold you in the deepest ends of your life

⇢ you want to reclaim your power and live in your wholeness

⇢ you are ready to take your work deeper and higher

⇢ you desire to feel arrived, now. feel joy, now. feel free, now. and be at peace in stillness, presence and with what is



This won’t be for you if…

⇢ you are not coachable or open to being seen, held and supported…

⇢ you are not ready to claim all that you desire and show up fully for this process…

⇢ you do not desire to “do the work” and implement the coaching, resources and tools provided to help you receive the next-level you are desiring…

⇢ you desire co-dependent support and someone readily available to answer your questions within 5 minutes…

⇢ you want someone to tell you the answers and create a step-by-step plan that is done and ready for you to implement…

⇢ you do not feel financially ready or safe in investing into yourself and your business…

If you want to RUSH THE PROCESS & are in search of the next quick and sexy fix ….
This experience won’t be for you.

It doesn’t make that wrong, but this will require patience and trust in what you cannot predict and you cannot force.

You will look back in 6 months from now and be in AWE of how you feel connected to your own inner wisdom and how arrived you are in your work, your values, your boundaries and the immense pleasure you feel safe to receive but you cannot push yourself on a timeline that isn’t yours to control.

* please note // none of this is “bad” — they are simply key indicators to check in with yourself to ensure this is the right space for you right now and if it is the aligned container to exchange your energy within. This work is very potent and very intimate and being open to receive at this level for the transformation that transpires does require being ready for it. You are whole and enough no matter what*


You can book a single 60-minute session with me HERE
* note: I will e-mail the e-mail used for payment to book our session*


Spaces inside this experience are filled based on first come, first serve & by application only.

Because this space is so intimate, it is sooo important that we both take the process extremely seriously and we make sure we are both an aligned fit for the reality you’re desiring to experience. How we begin our journey lays the foundation of how the rest of the journey together will go.

Once you apply, you will be given the opportunity to book a 30 minute call to make sure that we are a divine match. We will chat about your goals, what hasn’t been working and begin dismantling and breaking through the ceilings you have unconsciously set for yourself to operate within. I will answer any questions you may have about the work we will do together.

and if it does feel aligned and sooooo good to move forward for both of us, we will chat about the package and payment plans for this private coaching experience.

If you serious & feel a FULL body YES, go ahead and apply below.

Kate Dwinell is a Mindset Coach and the founder of the Breaking Through Emotional Eating Group. She is a wife and a dog mom & specializes in coaching emotional eaters to find food freedom & break through their body struggles.

Kate Dwinell is a Mindset Coach and the founder of the Breaking Through Emotional Eating Group. She is a wife and a dog mom & specializes in coaching emotional eaters to find food freedom & break through their body struggles.



I cannot say enough amazing things about the powerhouse coach, Autumn Bensette. She freaking changed my whole life & flipped my world upside down in such a beautiful and magical way.

Before working with Autumn, I was SO lost & alone, stuck in a career that did not light me up, I was attached to my phone 24/7 because of all the things “I had to do”, my relationship was not strong at all, I was not connected to my voice & I was not confident in my abilities or business. I was throwing spaghetti on a freaking wall hoping it would stick & running myself to the ground. I was so close to giving up on my business & my dreams

Then one day, I found Autumns Podcast, which is B O M B by the way and instantly felt connected to her & her story. So when her next course launched, I JUMPED on that shit, as fast as I could. Going through her program, literally BLEW my friggin mind & I had this HUGE tug in my heart to work with her 1:1, so once the program ended, we jumped on a consultation call & instantly connected, just on the consultation call she helped me work through somethings that were holding me back in my life & business for quite sometime. So I said hell yes to myself & signed on with her, it was one of the scariest things I have ever done, I have never invested that much into myself before, but DAMN was it SO worth it. I worked with Autumn 1:1 for about 5 months and it was a whirl wind of magic, mindset shifts, next level things and a true transformation from the inside out. She helped me heal past wounds, limiting beliefs and truly step into the women I deserved to be. She helped me find my voice & my true passion. She helped me create my business & my brand from the ground up, which is a freaking beautiful business & brand if I do say so myself. She helped my relationship become SO much stronger. She helped me learn how to communicate my wants & needs. She helped me charge for my value and stand by what I charge. She gave me my life & time back from removing things that no longer served me or my business. Goodness & so much more I can’t even begin to even scratch the surface on how much she changed my life. She helped shift, my business, my mindset, my relationships and my whole life. And I will forever be grateful for her guidance & friendship. If you ever get a chance to work with this goddess, please freaking do. She will change your whole life, just like she did mine.




I just finished up my coaching journey with Autumn and she has changed my fucking LIFE and I want to tell you about it 😭❤️ At my lowest point with less than $600 in my bank account and my health business crumbling around me, I found Autumn OUT OF THE BLUE. I instantly knew I had to work with her, before even watching a live video or stalking all of her SM 😂 I got my first credit card (ya I def didn’t have the money but I took the damn leap anyway and would do it a million times over). I came to her lost, confused, and desperately hoping she was going to fix my business. She didn’t.

Instead she completely flipped my world upside down and changed my LIFE. She gave me the space and support that I had never before received. She asked me the hard questions that freed me. She challenged the fuck out of me mentally, emotionally, spiritually. She helped me step into the woman I’ve always longed to be. I wouldn’t be where I am without her. I wouldn’t be running a business that LIGHTS A FIRE INSIDE ME. I wouldn’t be free, abundant, successful. Sure, these things were inside of me, but I wouldn’t have been able to pull them out without her guidance. God gave me Autumn exactly when I needed her. And I couldn’t be more grateful for all the love and support she’s given me 🙏🏼❤️ Warning: If you work with Autumn, be prepared to completely change your LIFE. I LOVE YOU 😭❤️

KIKI URA | Spiritual Business Coach | namaslaybabe

KIKI URA | Spiritual Business Coach | namaslaybabe


I cannot even begin to describe how much my life has transformed over the past 365 days. Working with Autumn has been one of the biggest blessings not only in my business, but in my life overall. In the beginning there was a ton of inner work to be done. She has helped me to heal my past by learning the power of forgiveness as a means of releasing unwanted negative energy. We dove deep into mindset work, in terms of both my own capabilities & self worth as well as my mindset around money. She helped me to completely abolish my limiting beliefs and tune into a world of unlimited possibility. Within only 3 months of hiring Autumn, I was presented with the opportunity to leave my full-time job. It was scary AF but her guidance made it so much easier to face my fears and do the damn thing anyway - a decision I most certainly DO NOT regret!.

In our time together I have left the corporate world, launched my own business, been interviewed on countless podcasts, released a relationship that was no longer serving me, created my own journal which is soon to be published, launched TWO signature courses, signed multiple 1:1 clients, and booked my very first paid speaking engagement. Within 4 months of launching my business I had my first $3K month. None of this would have ever been possible without her. If you have been sitting on the fence about working with this powerhouse, here’s my advice: stop thinking and just fucking do it. Her knowledge, wisdom & energy is invaluable and well worth the investment. Forever grateful for you, Autumn.

Mindy Hancock | Life Coach/Podcaster

Mindy Hancock | Life Coach/Podcaster

I want to take a moment and shout out Autumn Bensette the fearless leader of The Bossy Babe Club! Autumn is the first coach I invested in & I worked with her for 7 months. This was the literal BEST 7 months of my life! She showed me parts of myself I didn’t even know existed. She saw my soul & began pulling the inner Mindy that I was hiding away out to shine. ✨ Along this journey she taught me to love myself, own my worth, step into abundance, receive like a bad ass & soooo much more. I had a horrible money mindset when we started working together & she helped me completely rewrite this! With that being said, this month in my business I had my highest grossing cash month at $5k! 😭😭😭 I remember telling Autumn I wanted to make $1k a month & here I am 5x that goal! 🔥

One other thing Autumn taught me was the power of celebrating. Autumn taught me that I need to anchor in this moment & really show gratitude. So tonight I booked a trip to Vegas for my husband and I. We leave in 25 days, and get to mark seeing Marshmello off our life goal list! When I paid for this trip, I didn’t put it on a credit card, I paid for it out of my business account. I felt SO ABUNDANT. I FELT ZERO GUILT, SHAME, OR FEAR!!!!!! I know there is more x1000 coming back to me thanks to Autumn. I love you Autumn. Thank you. xoxo Mindy

Megan Knowles | Owner of Blue Jeans & Pearls Jewelry + Founder of the Boss Babe Gala

Megan Knowles | Owner of Blue Jeans & Pearls Jewelry + Founder of the Boss Babe Gala

Cara Wray | Mindset Coach

Cara Wray | Mindset Coach


Autumn Freaking Bensette. A woman who leads with courage, tenacity and grace. A woman who shows her clients, and the world, that your destiny is a choice. You already possess the power to unlock your wildest dreams, Autumn simply helps you walk through that. She guides you with love to harness your inner goddess, she leads the way by true example. Having walked through the fires herself, Autumn is a breathe of fresh air in a world inundated with self-help gurus claiming to be your golden ticket to success. Autumn is the real deal. Autumn has walked through fire, knocked over hurdles and continues to offer real life self-help. She’s not a one size fits all approach. She is intuitively guided and leads with her heart. And if you aren’t ready to put the old you to rest, then she won’t be the coach for you.

When I began working with Autumn, I didn’t know what I needed to learn, I just knew I needed something and my gut told me I needed what she had to offer. Spending time with her (and little Louie) quickly became one of my favourite weekly activities. I often had no idea what we would talk about, and yet we ended up exactly where we needed to be. Every single week was exactly what I needed, even if sometimes that was simply a shoulder to cry on. Autumn truly navigates these sessions with her heart and I felt so loved and so safe in this space. Connecting with her was fun and effortless, we laughed a lot and I swear we could talk for hours. Autumn is real, she is genuine, she is kind, she is love. I look back to the beginning of our sessions and I don’t even recognize the girl I was then. You see, I’ve always been a trust and surrender kind of girl. I’ve always been intuitive and always believed the universe has a plan for me. Two years before I hired Autumn, I had quit a stable job in pursuit of my own dreams. I had no plan, no money, no clue what I was doing - I was letting trust lead the way. I was ALL IN and determined to make this work. And I did. I had been working hard at my dream for two years, making a living (albeit a small one) doing what I loved, but I was tired and burnt out. Somewhere along the lines I had lost that intuitive, ALL IN girl, I had stopped trusting and I started playing it safe. I let fear creep back in and convince me to stay small. I got stuck in the entrepreneurial fog and lost sight of my why, lost sight of my purpose. I was simply books and numbers and stress and worry. Autumn coached me to have more fun in my business and to schedule time for myself. You see, everything Autumn coaches I already believed in, so how had I got so lost? Why wasn’t my business filling up my cup? Why wasn’t I making more money? Why was it so hard? And that’s the beautiful thing about working with Autumn. Each session is a heart led venture, divinely guided to uncover the narratives you’re adopting. She walks through these ugly parts of your story so you can make space for a new narrative. She guides you and nudges you to do more, and she holds space for you to grow. I am forever grateful that I said yes to myself! So if you’re ready to stop playing small, if you’re ready to go ALL IN for yourself, if you’re ready to destroy your old narratives and ready to take up space, then Autumn is your girl. Trust your gut, that bitch never lies.


Working with Autumn has completely transformed my life. I still remember the day Autumn and I hoped on our consultation call and I was scared out of my mind (literally sweating and shaking). I had never said “YES” to myself within this sort of container but felt this massive intuitive nudge to go all in with her. I was a new mom, a stepmother, a soon to be wife and I knew this was a big step. I had so many questions racing through my mind. When I mentioned this decision to my husband, I said “I’ve decided that I am hiring Autumn. I believe with every ounce of my being that this is going to amplify our life and my business is ways we haven’t yet imagined.” He was supportive and so began my year-long journey with Autumn. This past year has COMPLETELY changed my life.

I went from a negative mindset to a positive mindset I worked through limiting beliefs and fears I worked up courage to have tough conversations and cut ties with individuals who were simply dragging me down My relationship up-leveled - we learnt how to communicate with one another on such a deep a soulful level I learnt how to communicate efficiently with my children I finally learnt what “Trust and Surrender” truly meant I created and implemented healthy boundaries and values within my life I started taking care of my mind, body and soul (making myself a priority) I launched my Coaching Business Launched my Facebook Community I hired a graphic designer Created and launched Signature Programs Launched my exclusive 1:1 private coaching practice Successfully completely 3 Coaching Certificates Launched my podcast - The Powerful and Uncensored Mompreneur Launched my Youtube Channel I became a Self Published Author (creating a 90 day guided journal) I’ve impacted women from around the world all by simply owning who I am and speaking my truth. What I loved the most about working with Autumn was that you weren’t just a cash exchange. She treated you like a human being, she respected you, she cherished you, honoured you, held space for you, formulated a relationship with your family, held you accountable in ways I never imagined. She became the best friend, coach, mentor anyone could ask for. I trusted her with everything. I would do so again. Autumn has impacted my life in ways I am not yet sure how to describe. She has left an everlasting imprint on my heart. She reminded me and helped guide me to bring into fruition the Woman I always desired to be. To the Woman who is unsure about making this investment, saying yes to herself and is sitting on the sidelines…what are you truly waiting for? The universe follows your decisions, declarations and actions. Be the woman you needed when you were younger. Love yourself enough to be the woman who says yes to herself and watch your life transform in ways you’ve not yet imagined. Autumn is the most incredible, impactful, empowered Woman I have had the chance to meet. If you have the chance to work closely with her, you not only gain a coach, a friend a confidant…but someone who imprints your soul and feels your emotions and holds space for your dreams and desires. I love you Autumn, thank you for everything that you do. xoxo - Cara Wray


Working with Autumn has completely transformed my life. I want to share a little about what I have been up to the last couple of months. I have been getting people asking me what is it I do! Back in September I took a money mindset course that Autumn was teaching it helped me to learn more about money and how to let more money into your life! The course was amazing! Which lead me to take a mastermind course with Autumn in October!

The mastermind course completely changed my life! I got a clear vision on who I wanted to serve and help! How to bring my dreams to life! Then I set up a Facebook group Network Marketing Moms Scaling into 1K Months!! I got a professional photo shoot done for my branding!! Then I met an amazing graphic designer Shawna that helped bring my brand to life!! Thank you Shawna Poliziani!! After doing a mastermind course with some amazing women! I wanted to continue to up level in my business and life! So I hired my coach Autumn Bensette!! She has been amazing to work with!! She is so incredible!! She is the one that helped me with creating a vision for my brand!! She has helped me create a Welcome letter which you should sign up for at: Autumn is the reason I am now a business coach helping other networking moms grow their businesses! I am also working on a special project that will be out by the New Year!! I felt called to share this, because I never knew I even needed a coach in my life! But looking back I wouldn't even have everything I just told you about if it wasn't for my coach! In the past I have tried to do things myself, but there was never anyone to keep me accountable for getting things done or someone to show me the ropes to something new!! So thank you Autumn for everything 💕

Kari Hurd

Kari Hurd


Somebody asked me the other day what Autumn coaches me on…my answer - EVERYTHING!

Exciting things are brewing! Alignment, cohesiveness and unleashing the CRAP out of my purpose.

mindy hancock

mindy hancock


Working with Autumn has completely transformed my life. God will always lead you to people whom you need in your life, and that is so true with the friendship and mentorship I have in my coach.

She wanted to make sure that while I was away in Vegas, I didn't forget to SOAK IN & CELEBRATE the things that I have accomplished. The champagne & strawberries were brought to our door & my heart melted (not to mention she had been secretly working with my hubs to make sure it got delivered.) Autumn BensetteOctober is my soul mate coach and she treats her clients like queens! She helps bring out the best in me, even when I don't see it. Being a coach myself, I love having this gorgeous example to create a ripple effect for my clients. I love you Autumn, Thank you for being you & reminding me what a Goddess I am!
