Being the Woman who Receives


Today’s topic is something that I love to teach my clients. It's something that I think is so incredibly important. However, it's not something that a lot of people talk about. I don't think it's something that a lot of influencers, a lot of coaches, a lot of podcasters, I don't think it's really something that a lot of people teach and that's why I'm really excited to be bringing this to you.


How to receive the things you desire

I'm going to be super honest and open and even though in my four years of entrepreneurship, even though I have taken a lot of leaps and I've taken messy action and I've always done the thing before I was deemed ready…there was a energy that I never stepped into. There was this space of success I never stepped into. There was a part of me always kind of lingering around feeling as if success wasn't mine already.

It was always, I was always kind of sitting around waiting to arrive, waiting for someone else to validate me, waiting for the rank to show up when I was in network marketing for me to say, okay, now you're ready. Now you now you can feel successful. Now you can jump on the live video and feel really confident. Now you can feel like you've made it and maybe this is something you relate to.

Maybe this is something that you resonate with and you can completely get me on a soul freaking level that you are still waiting. Then you are sitting here feeling as if you're, you're not there, you haven't arrived, so you can't show up confidently. 

Showing up for the Sale

You can't show up asking for the sale. You can't show up stepping into this space, acting as if you've already hit your four figure month or your five figure month or your six figure month or whatever level of income it is that you're trying to strive towards right now.

There is a certain energy that people at that level of income hold. There is a certain way that they speak about money. There is a certain way that they hold themselves. There is a certain way that they show up in the world the competence that they have, the way that they interact with people, the way that they ask for sales, the way that they run their business.

There is a reason why the people at that income level have that income and it's not because they got it and it showed up in their bank account and then they felt ready and they felt like they would have arrived and then they felt confident that they could ask for the sale. None of them, no, no, no. There's a reason why and it's because before the money came, before they saw it in their bank account before they seem the rank advancement, before they had all of the clients sign up, are all the customers in their account. They already decided it was theirs.

If you look at anybody on social media, if you look at anybody that maybe you're influenced by and they are an a level of income in which you wish to be at or they're living their life away that you wish to do…it's not because somebody told them, it's not because they received the rank and then they stepped into it. It's because they decided that before it was there as before it showed up, they decided that it was already theirs. They decided that with every inch of their being that that money, even if they couldn't see it in their bank account, even if they couldn't see that rank in front of them, even if they can see their roster full of clients or customers coming in abundantly with ease and flow, they already knew that it was on their way to them. 

Learn more over on The Wealthy Babe Podcast

Stepping into the Energy

There was such a time in my life where I took the messy action, I did the things. However, there was an energy about myself that I never stepped into until I realized that I was waiting to arrive before I actually stepped into it, that I was playing small. Even though I was taking action doing the things, I wasn't putting myself out there. I wasn't holding the energy or holding this space that would attract in all the clients at that income level, so I couldn't attract in the money that I wanted to receive. I couldn't attract in the high ticket plate paying clients because I wasn't holding myself to that level. So this is super common is that we're waiting for the money in order for us to feel ready, right? 

The money comes because you already trusted and surrendered to the greater purpose in which you're showing up for. The money comes in because you become an energetic match for it because, because money wants to hang out at that level with you. Money doesn't come otherwise. Money's not gonna come. If you're playing small, money's not going to come the high. The high ticket clients aren't going to come. 

If you're playing small, the abundance of clients or customers to help you get to that next rank isn't going to come if you are not an energetic match to receive it. If you're showing up, really lethargic, if you're showing up, really burnt out, if you're showing up, really overwhelmed, if you're showing up, out of desperation, out of lack, if you're showing up in these ways, why would anyone be attracted into that? Right? Those aren't qualities that they want to learn to receive. They don't want to learn how to do more of that. A lot of the time that your ideal client, the person who is coming to you for service or for your product or for your service, they're coming to you not because of the product or because of the service. They're coming to you because you play at an energy level and you have an energy level and you hold yourself into a certain way that they want to be a part of. 

You have to choose to step into it. No one can do this for you other than you. And so this is me here giving you that permission, giving you a validation, giving you that nudge, but in order for you to receive it and you have to decide it and you have to take that next step, that's not something I can do for you or anyone else can do for you in as much as I wish that I could. I can't. This is that message. This is that sign from the universe that you're on the right path. You just need to take this next step and, and own who it is that you truly want to be and become that version of her right now and not wait for it now wait for validation or wait for credibility. Nope, wait to arrive, but know that you've already arrived at you're already here and that you are incredibly freaking successful where you are right now.


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