Using Surrender to Anchor Into An Aligned & Liberated Business In 2021

2020 shocked & surprised all of us, gifting us with experiences, lessons & new ways of being we never could have expected. Collectively, we tend to go into each year, each month, and even in our day to day life with an expectation of how we think it should and needs to go. We make the vision board & a list of all the goals we desire to experience; ones that we believe will bring us closer to vitality, freedom, liberation, fulfillment & success and although it is a beautiful ritual to declare our desires, to speak into existence the outcomes we pray come to fruition, there is always always always a greater plan at play. No matter how much manifestation journaling we do, how much we visualize or how many plans we make we can never cease to stop the unfolding of what is divinely meant to.

Building a business and birthing creation into existence is one of the greatest catalysts for our growth. 2020 has forced many of us to surrender into stillness, into the unknown and into our greatest fears. It has presented us over and over again with where we are not already free; where we are hooked into the expectation of timelines, the pressure of achieving certain goals, being with the uncomfortable space where uncertainty exists, the fear of death, the false sense of safety that money and external success provide us, and the desiring of validation that we are inherently worthy from anyone and anything outside ourselves.

There is a fine line we dance upon between free will & trusting in our inevitable destiny. Can you be with that? Can you be with the nuances of what you cannot predict or control? Can you allow yourself to receive the gifts of presence, liberation and power that lie in the same depths of fear, overwhelm and anxiety? Can you begin to be with what is rather than attaching yourself in agony over what is not? Most of us live from survival & trauma responses constantly trying to fix something, get somewhere or become someone. When you close your eyes, ground into your body and check in with yourself, can you notice how that energy feels for you? Where it lands? How does it show up for you in the body?

Our body’s carry so much wisdom, always directing us back to truth and what we need most. I want to invite you to ground into this for a moment; what if there was nothing to fix? What if there was nowhere you needed to get? What if you were already whole, enough & worthy where and as you are in this present moment? And notice, how does that feel in the body to ground into the support that you have nothing to prove? That it is safe to be where you are right now?

For a moment, disconnect your business from your purpose. Your business is how you generate income and deliver what you love to humanity for an exchange in energy so your needs can be met and you can be supported in living a vibrant life. However, your purpose is much more vast and deep than that and your soul came here in this lifetime with it’s own agenda and situations that it needs to experience for you to move closer towards inner liberation, true freedom and ease.

What transpired this last year was divinely always meant to happen and that is said with so much love, compassion and honouring the very real challenge and human experience you had along the way. Perhaps you learned how to slow down, or you pivoted and were redirected to a path you never truly had the time or space to venture into, maybe you found a new approach to your business or perhaps the greatest gift was all that you learned about yourself. Either way, through the challenge, the tears, the love, the struggle, the pleasure, the waves, the sunshine, storms, the pain, the joy, what you gained and what was lost, it all happened for you. For your the evolution of your soul, for the highest good of humanity, for future generations & to move you closer to the ultimate freedom you desire.

You can feel it. The divine feminine is rising, we are being called back to ease, we are done with sacrificing, self-abandonment and burning ourselves out in the pursuit of external validation, we are desiring businesses from divine alignment, to fully trust in our own inner compass, to make decisions, sell and approach business with safety, regulated nervous systems and feeling grounded. We are moving away from operating from our trauma, from fear-based motivation and simply trying to survive.

As you approach a new year, before you begin to set your goals, can you close your eyes, drop into the body, take a few intentional breaths and notice the vision and the sensations show up for you? Notice what you were gifted with this year in growth and what you are so deeply proud of. Anchor into the frequency of compassion, love and grace; breathing that energy into your body for being here in this moment and moving through all that you have. Breathe safety and presence back into the body; into the areas that are tense and asking for support. Bookmark this feeling and come back here as often as you need over the next year. Allow the roots you’ve anchored into the earth to nurture you as you take action and your next steps from this space. In 2021, how do you want to make an impact? How can you build the life of your desires in a way that feels supportive, energizing, nourishing and expansive for you? How can you trust more in the divine miracle that your existence is? How can you show up with more reverence for all that you are?

Remember & hold this close to your heart: All that you need, you already are. You are safe, you are held and you are irrevocably supported. Marinate in the nectar of sweet presence. Trust in the greater plan. Surrender into the unknown. Show up for yourself & notice the world show up for you. And whatever you chose to do, do it with love.